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The value of financial advice

The value of financial advice

Throughout our lives, we are all likely to face the need to take financial decisions that can have a major impact on our wealth. Whether you’re buying your first home,

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Flavours of Risk

For many years I have found the concept of risk fascinating. In financial planning we often talk about “attitude to risk” but what risk are we having an attitude about?

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The Benefits of Budgeting

In my experience, budgeting has always had bad press. Talking about budgets can make people feel uncomfortable, perhaps because it is something they feel they should be doing, but would

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Marriage and the big questions…

Our offices overlook the entrance to the Registry Office at the Old Municipal Buildings in Taunton. We regularly have the privilege of seeing smiling couples emerge from the building having

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The map and the guide

A good way to think about a financial plan and the process of financial planning (as these are two different things) is using a metaphor of a map and a

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An Uncertain World

Uncertain seems to be one of the most common words used at the moment, and there are certainly a lot of things to feel uncertain about with the ongoing war in

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