Independent Financial Advice

We provide independent, impartial advice to ensure your pensions and investments are structured in keeping with your goals and objectives.


Independent, Objective Advice for Pensions and Investments

Because we are independent we will review your existing arrangements before making any recommendations.

All of our advice is underpinned by our Investment Philosophy which is backed by decades of academic research and is reviewed regularly by our Investment Committee.

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How do we provide Financial advice?

1. Objectives

What is the aim of the money? This is crucial as it will dictate the investment timescale and therefore the most suitable options. For example, money which is needed for a holiday next year should be held in a very different environment than money for retirement in twenty years.

2. Risk Assessment

We will spend time with you discussing your personal attitude to investment risk, your capacity for loss and your need for risk.  When these three elements are combined your overall risk profile can be established.

Traditionally, risk questionnaires have been used by advisers and whilst we also use one, this is combined with a conversation around risk so we can ensure you are aware of what risks you might be facing and how to overcome these (for example, in the short term capital risk might be high and inflation risk low but in the longer term the opposite can often be true). This links back to your investment timescale as dictated by your objectives.

3. Asset Allocation

Once a risk level has been chosen, we can recommend to you a suitable asset allocation (how much is invested in each asset class) We divide investments in Growth Assets ( Equities and Property) and Defensive Assets (Bonds and Cash)

The Growth Assets are then subdivided into areas such as UK Equities, Global Equities, Emerging Equities and Property with the Defensive Assets subdivided into UK Bonds & Global Bonds.

4. Portfolio

With the asset allocation in place, we can then build your investment portfolio with a collection of investment funds that deliver the Growth/Defensive mix in a low cost, diversified manner.

At this stage if you have existing pensions & investment we will review these in areas such as costs, investment strategy, asset allocation and options. 

If we recommend a new portfolio, the funds will be consistent with our Investment Philosophy and will be recommended after carrying out independent, whole of market research.

5. Implement

Once our recommendations have been made and if accepted we will then deal with the administration and paperwork.

This will involve submitting the applications to new providers, dealing with the existing providers and the transfer of funds plus any questions or queries that may arise.

At the end of this we are confident you have will a simpler, consistent portfolio specfically designed to help you achieve your objectives.

6. Monitor

If chosen an annual review with your adviser provides real peace of mind that your portfolio is being pro-actively managed and remains appropriate to you.  Our Investment Committee meets every six months to review our Investment Philosophy together with the funds and platforms we recommend.

At each annual review we will follow these same six steps to ensure the ongoing suitability of your portfolio.


What is the aim of the money? This is crucial as it will dictate the investment timescale and therefore the most suitable options. For example, money which is needed for a holiday next year should be held in a very different environment than money for retirement in twenty years.


We will spend time with you discussing your personal attitude to investment risk, your capacity for loss and your need for risk.  When these three elements are combined your overall risk profile can be established.

Traditionally, risk questionnaires have been used by advisers and whilst we also use one, this is combined with a conversation around risk so we can ensure you are aware of what risks you might be facing and how to overcome these (for example, in the short term capital risk might be high and inflation risk low but in the longer term the opposite can often be true). This links back to your investment timescale as dictated by your objectives.


Once a risk level has been chosen, we can recommend to you a suitable asset allocation (how much is invested in each asset class) We divide investments in Growth Assets ( Equities and Property) and Defensive Assets (Bonds and Cash)

The Growth Assets are then subdivided into areas such as UK Equities, Global Equities, Emerging Equities and Property with the Defensive Assets subdivided into UK Bonds & Global Bonds.


With the asset allocation in place, we can then build your investment portfolio with a collection of investment funds that deliver the Growth/Defensive mix in a low cost, diversified manner.

At this stage if you have existing pensions & investment we will review these in areas such as costs, investment strategy, asset allocation and options. 

If we recommend a new portfolio, the funds will be consistent with our Investment Philosophy and will be recommended after carrying out independent, whole of market research.


Once our recommendations have been made and if accepted we will then deal with the administration and paperwork.

This will involve submitting the applications to new providers, dealing with the existing providers and the transfer of funds plus any questions or queries that may arise.

At the end of this we are confident you have will a simpler, consistent portfolio specfically designed to help you achieve your objectives.


If chosen an annual review with your adviser provides real peace of mind that your portfolio is being pro-actively managed and remains appropriate to you.  Our Investment Committee meets every six months to review our Investment Philosophy together with the funds and platforms we recommend.

At each annual review we will follow these same six steps to ensure the ongoing suitability of your portfolio.







Neil Rossiter
Chartered Financial Planner

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Accurate, friendly advice...

“I inherited a substantial sum of money and needed some advice as to how to make the most of it. Simon was very friendly and down to earth, simplifying the monetary jargon so that I could understand exactly what was going on and therefore make an informed decision.

Simon was a wonderful advisor, who answered all of my questions (no matter how silly) and made me feel in control of my finances again. He is always available to answer any queries and I would highly recommend him to anyone.”